Sin 132-51

Special Item Number 132-51 - Information Technology (IT) Professional Services Special Item Number 132-52 - Electronic Commerce (EC) Services Special Item Number 132-53 – Wireless Services b. The Maximum Order value for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $25,000: Special Item Number 132-50 - Training Courses c.

IT Special Services Special Item Number (SIN) 132-51: IT Schedule 70's SIN for IT Professional Services includes: Cognitive computing; Conversion and 

24 Sep 2018 SINs are specialized subcategories under GSA acquisition Other IT labor categories not related to the cloud will remain on SIN 132-51.

GSA Schedule 70 sin 132-51 offers elected, state and neighbourhood governments inventive answers for their data innovation needs. We comprehend that the acquisition procedure can be overwhelming, so we work persistently to streamline the procedure and augment results. 1. SCOPE. a. The prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services apply exclusively to IT/EC Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule. Special Item Number 132-51 - Information Technology (IT) Professional Services Special Item Number 132-52 - Electronic Commerce (EC) Services Special Item Number 132-53 – Wireless Services b. The Maximum Order value for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $25,000: Special Item Number 132-50 - Training Courses c. Federal agencies can order network services, email services, Internet access services, electronic subscription services, data transmission services, and emerging electronic commerce technologies from Electronic Commerce Special Item Number (SIN 132-52) AUTHORIZED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SCHEDULE PRICELIST GENERAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES SIN 132-51 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Code S FPDS Class D302 IT Database Planning and Design FPDS Class D306 IT Systems Analysis and Design SIN 132-51 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES F P D S C ode D 301 IT F a c i l i t y O pe ra t i on a nd M a i nt e na nc e F P D S C ode D 302 IT S ys t e m s D e ve l opm e nt S e rvi c e s F P D S C ode D 306 IT S ys t e m s A na l ys i s S e rvi c e s F P D S C ode D 307 A ut om a t e d Inform a t i on S ys t e m s D e s i

VetServe Solutions is a Woman Owned Small Businesss (WOSB) and a leading provider of Project Management Office Support, Software Engineering, Application development and deployment, SharePoint development and administration. TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (SPECIAL ITEM NUMBER 132-51) 1. Scope a. The prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services apply exclusively to IT Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule. b. Information Technology – Professional Services SIN 132-51 GENERAL IT SERVICES LABOR CATEGORY Rate per Hour As of 1/1/04 Project Director $211.47 Program Manager $180.55 Manager $146.63 Senior IT Specialist $131.67 IT Specialist $113.72 IT Staff $71.82 ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONS (ES) LABOR CATEGORY Rate per Hour As of 1/1/04 ES Program Manager $380.05 GSA Schedule 70 SIN 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services - SUBJECT TO COOPERATIVE PURCHASING - Includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, conversion and implementation support, network services project management, data/records management Information technology professional services (SIN 132-51) Download GSA Schedule 70 No. GS-35F-4507G (PDF) AT&T Mobility GSA IT 70 Schedule No. 47QTCA19D00MV. Wireless services (SIN 132-53) Pooled plans: GSM Business National pooled plans Government Nation pooled plan

SIN 132-51 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FPDS Code D302 IT Systems Development Services FPDS Code D306 IT Systems Analysis Services FPDS Code D307 Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services FPDS Code D308 Programming Services FPDS Code D310 IT Backup and Security Services SIN 132-51: $500,000. SIN 132-100: $500,000 These are not limits on the sizes of task orders that can be issued under the GSA contract. It means that if the best value selection places a task order over $500,000, the contractor can decline the order. 3. Minimum order. $100 4. Geographic coverage (delivery area). Domestic. 5. 19/05/36 · GSA will also be hosting monthly webinars on the Professional Services Schedule consolidation. You can find the dates, times, and webinar information on Interact. Q: Company A currently has a Schedule 70 GSA Contract which includes SIN 132-51 for Information Technology Professional Service labor categories. With the initiative to consolidate GSA IT Schedule Details. Contract #GS-35F-110DA (Contract period: December 21, 2015 through December 20, 2020) SIN 132-51 - Labor Category Requirements and Descriptions . LABOR CATEGORIES, EDUCATION AND YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Years . No. Labor Categories Education Experience. ANT-001 Technical Expert Level 5 BA/BS 6 . ANT-002 Technical Expert Level 4 BA/BS 8 . SIN 132-51 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FPDS Code D301 IT Facility Operation and Maintenance FPDS Code D302 IT Systems Development Services FPDS Code D306 IT Systems Analysis Services FPDS Code D307 Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services FPDS Code D308 Programming Services

SIN 132-51: Information Technology Professional Services - Includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis 

11/03/33 · D&C 132:51–56 . What Was Emma Commanded Not to Partake of? No indication is given here or elsewhere of what the Lord had commanded the Prophet Joseph to offer to his wife, but the context seems to suggest that it was a special test of faith similar to the test of Abraham’s faith when the Lord commanded him to sacrifice Isaac. SIN 132-51 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ERT is a participating vendor in the Recovering Purchasing – State and Local Governments Program applicable to all Contract SINs. FPDS CODE D301 IT Facility Operation and Maintenance FPDS CODE D302 IT Systems Development Services FPDS CODE D306 IT Systems Analysis Services appendix c. gs-35f-110da gsa schedule labor rates for sin 132-51, it services technical and consulting, sin 132-62 authentication services revised: november 1, 2018 i appendix c table of contents appendix c. gs-35f-110da gsa schedule labor rates for sin 132-51, it services technical and consulting, sin … GSA Schedule 70 category 132-51 is the information technology professional services and includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, conversion and implementation support, network services project management, data/records management, and other services. FEDERAL SUPPLY SERVICES . AUTHORIZED FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE PRICE LIST . On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an Billing Rates, SIN 132-51 30 . Billing Rates, SIN 132 -62 31 . USA Commitment to Promote Small Business Participation Procurement . CONTRACT: General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services (IT70) SIN 132-51 and Including Health IT SIN 132-56. Contract #: GS35F483DA – Prime GSA Schedule 70 (SIN 132-51) IT Schedule 70's Special Item Number (SIN) 132-51 for all IT …

Special Item Number 132-51 - Information Technology (IT) Professional Services Special Item Number 132-52 - Electronic Commerce (EC) Services Special Item Number 132-53 – Wireless Services b. The Maximum Order value for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $25,000: Special Item Number 132-50 - Training Courses c.

(These SINs were recently revised; they were formerly known as SIN 132-51 for IT Professional Services, SIN 132-52 for Electronic Commerce and Subscription 

VetServe Solutions is a Woman Owned Small Businesss (WOSB) and a leading provider of Project Management Office Support, Software Engineering, Application development and deployment, SharePoint development and administration.

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